
Boot en Stuurlieden C.V. De Koperen Ploeg

24/7 Nautical Technical and LogisticsService Provider

All seagoing ships calling at the port of Amsterdam - the fourth largest port in Western Europe - are assigned a safeberth by the Port Authority. Our boatmen’s association Boot- en Stuurliedencoöperatief ‘De Koperen Ploeg’ W.A. has been part of the nautical chain in theport of Amsterdam since 1926. We are dedicated to rendering smooth and safeservices related to mooring, unmooring and shifting of seagoing ships.

'De Koperen Ploeg' is committed to providing excellent service to its customers. Apart from our mooring services,we also provide services in other sectors. Over the years, our expertise and customer-focussed approach has made ‘De Koperen Ploeg’ an efficient 24/7nautical technical service provider in many fields.

To make this possible, our operations room has been equipped with state-of-the-art telecommunication and data processing equipment. These modern means of communication make it possible to continuously and efficiently monitor all shipping traffic within the port. By maintaining good operational contacts with the Amsterdam Port Authority, local terminals and shipping agents, we have been able to build and maintain a successful,efficient and reliable 24/7 service.



·        Mooring, unmooring and shifting of seagoing ships

·        Marine consultancy

·        Boat rental with skipper

·        Supplementary crew supply

·        Installation of fenders or oilbooms

·        Transport of ship's stores and/or spare parts

·        Fully temperature-controlled storage

·        Customs services

·        Other services,such as assisting with equipment for diving operations, replacement of anchors,repairs, etc

·        Assistance in emergencies

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